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Martina and Manuel

Martina and Manuel

"We are really fortunate to be an important part of the country's economy, because with our products we also represent the beauty of Guatemalan textiles."

Martina and Manuel are a wife and husband team dedicated to handicrafts since they each learned from their parents.... There they learned every part of the process to make their pieces. Over time they have gained experience that has led them to create totally innovative products for the taste of all customers.

“We are Martina Suy and Manuel Sut, both born in nearby villages in the department of Quiché. We met in our 20s; we both come from families that were dedicated to sewing, and we learned that art from a very young age. We fell in love and decided to unite our lives. We were very young, and we did not know what to do to be able to maintain our home. With a lot of effort, we were able to buy a simple sewing machine with which we could start a small business. We made skirts, trench coats, shirts, suits and vests; and little by little we moved forward. There were moments of hardship, days when we had nothing to eat; but our strength and desire to get ahead were greater.

“Years passed and our family grew. Our children arrived, and with them more challenges, but more desire to move forward to provide them with a bright future. Our skills grew and we were making new pieces, and we gained the trust of many customers who turned to us to place their orders. This helped us a lot with the household finances. We are really fortunate to be an important part of the country's economy, because with our products we also represent the beauty of Guatemalan textiles.

“We dream big, and we thank God, because he has given us this opportunity so that step by step we can realize our dreams. This is a magnificent growth process, full of people like you who have helped us, who support us to reach many more clients around the world. The pieces that we make are inspired by the various colors of our Guatemala. They are made with great dedication, so that everyone can wear a product totally handmade by Guatemalan artisans who proudly show their fabrics to the world.”
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