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UNICEF USA does whatever it takes to save and protect the world's most vulnerable children.
Through fundraising, advocacy and education in the United States, UNICEF USA supports UNICEF's work, and other efforts in support of the world's children.
UNICEF has helped save more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization.
UNICEF and its supporters believe that no child should ever die from a preventable cause- lack of proper nutrition, safe drinking water, affordable vaccines or other basic necessities.
Thanks to UNICEF's unparalleled reach, expertise, access and influence, innovation, efficiency and resolve, UNICEF has successfully led an effort that has reduced child mortality in half since 1990, and yet 16,000 children still die every day of preventable causes.
We are committed to doing whatever it takes until we achieve our goal of reaching zero preventable deaths, and every child has a safe and healthy childhood.
UNICEF works in more than 100 countries to improve access to clean and secure supplies of water and convenient sanitary facilities. UNICEF also promotes basic behaviors such as frequent hand-washing with soap.
Malnutrition is linked to nearly half of all childhood deaths. UNICEF is intensifying efforts to reach the hardest-to-reach, most isolated communities to ensure that all children have the nutrition they need to grow, learn and develop.
By treating malnutrition in the first 1,000 days of a child's life, UNICEF has helped cut the number of children badly affected by stunting by nearly 100 million since 1990.
UNICEF is the world's largest buyer of vaccines, providing immunization for more than one third of the world's children.
Since 1980, UNICEF has helped quadruple immunization rates for children worldwide. Today, infant and childhood vaccination saves up to 3 million children's lives a year.
Every day, millions of children - forced into labor, prostitution or armed groups - are denied their right to safety and security. UNICEF's child protection programs strive to create a world where every child grows up free from fear and harm.
Whatever the cause, and despite chaos and risk, UNICEF and partners will be on the ground to deliver life-saving medicines, water, sanitation & hygiene support, basic health care, education and psychosocial services.
Education transforms lives. Education for girls is particularly important - an educated mother will make sure her own children go to, and stay in, school.
From building child-friendly schools, making classrooms mobile, training teachers or rebuilding an entire educational system - UNICEF will do whatever it takes to support a child's right to education.
Founded in 1946 to help children suffering in the aftermath of World War II, UNICEF provides children and families with the support they need whenever disaster strikes, including:
low cost, high impact immunization to prevent diseases
monitoring and treatment of malnutrition
Provision of water, latrines, and hygiene promotion
Provision of education materials and temporary schools to continue learning and establish a sense of normalcy
Psychosocial services; support and care for orphans; and protection from violence UNICEF's Core Commitments for Children
UNICEF Market was conceived as an online store for people shopping for unusual, well-designed and beautifully crafted items.
In looking for a way to make UNICEF Market a reality, we found the perfect partner, NOVICA. Founded in 1999, NOVICA works directly with artisans through their regional offices in Asia, Africa and Latin America. They have built a proprietary infrastructure enabling purchases to go from the country of origin directly to the consumer.
With the aid of NOVICA's procurement, logistics and technology capabilities, UNICEF Market is able to offer these handmade products.
Click to visit the UNICEF USA website.