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African Gifts for Men

Shop to build a better world! UNICEF Market's African Gifts for Men Collection helps UNICEF save and protect the world's most vulnerable children. Every gift you purchase helps save children's lives.

27 items

Men's bull horn band ring, 'Eagle Essence' - Men's Unique Horn Band Ring

Eagle Essence

Men's Unique Horn Band Ring

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)
$34.99 $27.99

Men's bull horn band ring, 'Eagle Essence' - Men's Unique Horn Band Ring

Eagle Essence

Men's Unique Horn Band Ring

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)

Men's bull horn band ring, 'Brown Eagle Essence' - Handcrafted Horn Ring from Ghana

Eagle of the Elders

Handcrafted Horn Ring from Ghana

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)
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