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Jewelry 8 $100-$200

Shop to build a better world! UNICEF Market's Jewelry Collection helps UNICEF save and protect the world's most vulnerable children. Every gift you purchase helps save children's lives.

81 items

Quartz solitaire ring, 'Quechua Mystique' - Quartz solitaire ring

Quechua Mystique

Quartz solitaire ring

(Marianela Vargas)

Men's jade ring, 'Truth and Life in Light Green' - Jade Ring for Men

Truth and Life in Light Green

Jade Ring for Men

(Zandra Lorena Sajbin)

Sodalite and chrysocolla band ring, 'Moche Princess' - Fine Silver Gemstone Ring

Ocean Waves

Fine Silver Gemstone Ring

(Adriana de Gadea)
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