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Ceramic Anniversary Gifts

Shop to build a better world! UNICEF Market's Ceramic Anniversary Gifts Collection helps UNICEF save and protect the world's most vulnerable children. Every gift you purchase helps save children's lives.

52 items

Celadon ceramic vase, 'Jade Lotus' - Celadon ceramic vase

Jade Lotus

Celadon ceramic vase

5.0 (Duangkamol)

Ceramic oil bottles, 'Jade Bali Frangipani' - Ceramic Bottle Set

Tropical Blooms

Ceramic Bottle Set

(Putu Oka Mahendra)

Ceramic serving plate, 'Celestial Fruit' - Ceramic serving plate

Celestial Fruit

Ceramic serving plate

(Priscilla Urias de Benedetti)

Ceramic vase, 'Banana Roll' - Ceramic Leaf-Shaped Vase

Banana Vases

Ceramic Leaf-Shaped Vase

(Putu Oka Mahendra)

Celadon ceramic vase, 'Orchid Glory' - Celadon Ceramic Vase

Orchid Glory

Celadon Ceramic Vase

5.0 (Duangkamol)
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