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Cotton Accessories for Women

Shop to build a better world! UNICEF Market's Cotton Accessories for Women Collection helps UNICEF save and protect the world's most vulnerable children. Every gift you purchase helps save children's lives.

207 items

Cotton flap handbag, 'Celebration' - Indian Embroidered Cotton Shoulder Bag


Indian Embroidered Cotton Shoulder Bag

(Desert Weavers of India)

Cotton shoulder bag, 'Crimson Tease' - Red Cotton Shoulder Bag Handmade India

Crimson Tease

Red Cotton Shoulder Bag Handmade India

(Desert Weavers of India)

Cotton shawl, 'Verdant Comalapa Breeze' - Hand Woven Striped Guatemalan Cotton Shawl

Easy Breezy

Hand Woven Striped Guatemalan Cotton Shawl

(Yama Aj Chixot Artisan Group)

Cotton applique cosmetic bag, 'Country Scene' - Peruvian Appliqué Clutch

Country Living

Peruvian Appliqué Clutch

(Balvina Huaytalla)

Bamboo chenille shoulder bag, 'Forest Rainbow' - Bamboo chenille shoulder bag

Forest Rainbow

Bamboo chenille shoulder bag

(K'amolon K'i K'ojonel)

Cotton shawl, 'Maroon Comalapa Breeze' - Handwoven Striped Cotton Shawl

Maroon Comalapa Breeze

Handwoven Striped Cotton Shawl

(Yama Aj Chixot Artisan Group)
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