Paradise Lover
Polished Hill Tribe Multi-Gemstone Pendant Necklace
Lotus Chakra
Floral Multi-Gemstone Chakra Pendant Necklace from India
Purple Power
Agate and Amethyst Floral Pendant Necklace
Basking Beauty
Handmade Tiger's Eye and Onyx Pendant Necklace
Radiant Chakra
Chakra Silhouette Multi-Gemstone Pendant Necklace...
Love Your Magical Nature
Nature-Themed Polished Multi-Gemstone...
Love Your Nature
Nature-Themed Brown Multi-Gemstone Pendant Necklace
Gemstone Mandala
Hand Crafted Sterling Silver Multigem Pendant Necklace
Nature's Rainbow Diamond
Diamond-Shaped Tree-Themed Multi-Gemstone...
Star of Midnight
Lapis Lazuli Howlite Beaded Pendant Necklace