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Artisan Top 5: Jiap Rojjana

Today we feature a fantastic artisan from Bangkok by the name of Jiap Rojjana. Jiap was born in a province just North of Bangkok and began her love affair with creating art from materials after she visited a silk store. She was mesmerized by the intricacies of the cloth patterns and the layers of color. She bought some cloth to make herself a dress. From there, she made a decision that she would turn her talent into a career. She became enthralled with the process, she was loving work and working on what she loved.

Our favorite creations from Jiap Rojjana

Green Embroidered Shoulder Bag from Thailand

Thai Cotton Shoulder Bag

Handcrafted Silk and Cotton Shoulder Bag from Thailand

Hand Crafted Cotton Shoulder Bag

Handmade Cotton Striped Shoulder Bag

The bags produced by Jiap Rojjana are truly spectacular. To check out other bags from artisans go to our search on UNICEF Market.




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